Publication Guidelines

Publication Guidelines
When publishing any research output with the involvement of animals, it is vital to highlight the University's international standards of animal care and use and report the information appropriately. By doing so, the research study is more likely to be reproducible and there can be confidence in the international standards of animal care and welfare that we uphold.


When completing the ethical statement please consider the following examples:


Basic Information

Example Ethical Statement (Delete as appropriate*)

Mice/Rats/ Rabbits* at age of (8-12 weeks*/ 25-30g*), originally sourced/created/donated* from/by* “Name of Company/Donor” (Strain 0000001) were bred/housed* under an AAALAC International accredited program at the Centre for Comparative Medicine Research, HKU under Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) conditions. Research only proceeded following review and approval from the HKU Committee on the Use of Live Animals in Teaching and Research (CULATR# 23-000*) and under licence from the Hong Kong SAR Government’s Department of Health. 

Animals were housed in individually ventilated cages/open cages* under a 12:12 (Fish on 14:10) dark light cycle within environmentally controlled rooms and were fed ad libitum with laboratory diet manufactured by LabDiet, USA*. (Details of diet and source of each species could be found here).

Detailed Publication Standards/Guidelines

Many major journals now also require additional information as to how the animal work was conducted. Please consider the following when designing animal experiments:

ARRIVE Guidelines

PREPARE Guidelines

AAALAC FAQ- Scientific Reproducibility

NC3Rs Experimental Design Assistant