Vet Care
About Us
The Veterinary team at CCMR is composed of a diverse and experienced group of Veterinarians with backgrounds in private industry, research, pharmaceuticals, government and academia. We are focused on providing world class animal health care to the research animals at HKU to ensure that their welfare needs and your research goals are achieved.

Our Role
While our primary role is to ensure the animal research that is being conducted at HKU complies with local legislation (such as Cap. 340 Animals (Control of Experiments) Ordinance, Cap 169 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance, and Cap. 134 Dangerous Drugs Ordinance), local guidelines (AFCD Code of Practice Care and Use of Animals for Experimental Purposes), and international guidelines (Guide of the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th Edition), we are also committed to assisting researchers to successfully complete their animal research.
We strive to achieve these goals by:
Providing Veterinary Care and support 365 days of the year
Providing education to researchers on topics such as animal use, welfare, ethics and research techniques
Providing following up to cases involving health concerns and unexpected adverse events
Providing advice on laboratory animal laboratories/ satellite animal facilities set up and use
Setting up comprehensive health monitoring systems for disease surveillance of all experimental and breeding animals
Providing advice for experiments with animals nearing humane endpoints, animal breeding, experimental design and appropriate & humane use
Helping to share knowledge, expertise and resources between CCMR and different research teams
Our Services
The Veterinary team can provide a range of services to help you achieve your research goals
The Veterinary team can help provide tailor made training sessions covering topics such as performing basic handling, administration and blood sampling techniques, to providing surgical training for specific procedures.
Advice on anaesthesia techniques and equipment for a range of animal species.
If you have any concerns regarding the health of your animals (such as your animals showing abnormal clinical or behavioral symptoms), you can request a Veterinarian to examine your animal(s). From this, we can provide advice, support, and treatment options for your animals.
If there is unexpected death or illness with your animals, the Veterinary team can help provide service such as performing post-mortems, or conducting further testing via haematology, biochemistry, bacteriology, virology, mycology, parasitology or histology as appropriate to help you reach a diagnosis for your animals.
If you have got an idea of a research goal, the team can provide you with advice on animal use, experimental design, welfare issues , drug usage etc. If you have a draft CULATR protocol that you are writing to submit an application, our Veterinary team can also provide input and assistance on how to complete the application form to facilitate CULATR's approval.
Our Veterinary team can help you with the importation of animals either sourced locally or internationally.
The veterinary team has access to different imaging modalities such as x-ray, ultrasound, fluorescence, bioluminescence and superficial tumour sizing and can assist you to obtain the images that you require.
Hands-On Training
Anaesthesia Support
Veterinary Consultation
Disease Investigation
Advice for Animal Use and Ethics Applications
Facilitating the importation of animals
Diagnostic Imaging